A poker game - and a little etymology...
April 30th is comin' up. The big party...I've got a twenty-four person field coming out so far - should be good. Spent the week training the dealers - should be interesting. The real nice thing is i won't know about two-thirds of the players. That's very heartening to a guy like me (if you've read my previous posts, you know I'm desperately seeking GAMES). Looking forward to seeing the action and being a part of it. Reminder - it's a NL no-rebuy. Contact me if you want to play - if you can't make it, i'll be posting the results and pics here on Sunday. I'd like to hit forty players - still marketing the party. Hope we hit it.
Anyway, I got an interesting email the other day from a friend in Canada.
Nick, why Poker Filipinas? Sounds a little pornographic, if you ask me....
I see what my buddy's getting at here - He's reading Filipinas as the pluralized form of the word Filipina, which means a woman from the Philippines. An honest mistake, compounded (perhaps) by the fact that the word "poker's" in there too. heheh. Filipinas in this context is the old Spanish term for the Philippine Islands (the Philippines was a Spanish colony for centuries). In the local vernacular it's Pilipinas. So my intended meaning is: Poker (from or in) the Philippines. Cuz that's what I do (or try, anyway) - play poker in the Philippines. Perhaps an honest mistake bud, but get yer mind outta the gutter.
Related to this, I'm dropping a couple of links into the sidebar for Philippine- themed sites. Follow those links. Come visit me. Nice place - we can even play some cards.