Been an interesting week - my laptop, bought six months ago, took a power surge when a transformer blew in my neighborhood. Fried battery, fried power supply. Guess I should break down and pick up a nice, expensive surge suppressor. After I pick up a new laptop, that is.
Click2Pay/BDO is rolling along well for me and the wife, real cool service, that (see below).
If there were an X-Games for elections, the Philippines would be the host country. 150+ people dead and its called "peaceful" - whoa...
Lost a chunk of money betting the NHL playoffs, but stayed away from the NBA - heheh...
Congratulations to our good friends who got in - especially to RVS, now the Honorable Congressman RVS! Good job! Our best wishes and prayers are with Maverick, who's staunchly defending his mom's votes over at Cuneta Astrodome in Pasay. Don't let the bastards dagdag-bawas you, bro!
Opened our new office at Emerald Avenue in Ortigas; very sweet.
Over at Poker Manila, somebody mentioned they'd like a WSOP style event here. Great idea - and I hear some folks are doing such a thing this September. I'll keep you posted; and yes, we can run online satellites ;)